September Start Letter

2022 - 2023 - Important dates

1st September 2022 - INSET day 1 (staff training day with no students on site)

2nd September 2022 - First day of school for all students

  • Y7 to arrive by 08:30 for an 08:40 start in lesson 1

  • All other year groups arrive at 09:25 to start L2 

Dear PCS families,

I hope you have all had a good break and are looking forward to starting the new school year. A reminder that Thursday 1st September is an INSET day and staff will be in for training so there will be no students on site. Here are the arrangements for Friday 2nd September when all students will be back at school.

Y7 Friday 2nd September from 08:15
We are looking forward to welcoming our new Y7 students and we will be at the front of school from 08:15 to meet them. All Y7s will be shown to the tennis courts where they will meet their mentor. From there they will be led to an assembly with me, their Headteacher and their Pastoral team; Ms McCaughan, Ms Fernee and their mentors. We have plenty of staff on site to support. From then on they will follow their timetable which will be given to them during the assembly.

Y8, 9, 10 and 11 Friday 2nd September at 09:30
All of our other students have already experienced their new timetables and so will arrive in time to go straight to lesson 2. They need to check their timetable on MCAS so please check to make sure you have signed up to MCAS to view this. This will also be sent via email.

Our uniform is to ensure all of our students are presenting as equals and so we do not want students to wear expensive branded items of clothing, including shoes. 

We expect all of our students to be in the correct PCS school uniform as listed on our website. A PCS blazer, black back-to-school trousers or knee-length pleated skirt, white shirt, a tie (year group colours) and black smart school shoes. If you require support with uniform please contact the pastoral leader for your child’s year group in the first instance. We are asking that any uniform (especially blazers) that are in good condition but have been outgrown, are donated to the school where they can be given to families who have been impacted financially.

Free school meals
The East Sussex County Council website shows who are eligible for free school meals and has a link for applications.

Times of the school day September 2022 - July 2023
From Monday 5th September all students should arrive at school for 08:30 to ensure they are in class and ready to start learning at 08:40.

08:40 - 09:30 lesson 1 50 min
09:30 -10:20 lesson 2 50 min
10:20 - 10:40 Break 20 min
10:40 - 11:30 lesson 3 50 min
11:30 - 12:20 lesson 4 50 min
12:20 - 13:20 Lunch/Intervention 30min/30min
13:20 -14:10 Lesson 5 50 min
14:10 - 15:00 lesson 6 50 min

Please see our website for the full year calendar. I have included some useful dates here:

Meet the mentor
6th October - School closes at 2:10pm - appointments from 3pm - 6pm for all year groups.

Parents evenings
Y7 - 24th November
Y8 - 22nd June
Y9 - 9th March (and options evening)
Y10 - 2nd February
Y11 - 20th October and 12th January

Yours sincerely

Rachel Henocq