Fundamental British Values

Fundamental British Values


At PCS we recognise the importance of preparing all of our students for their adult lives beyond the formal examined curriculum. Developing our students' Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development is the responsibility of each and every one of us. We do this by considering that an important aspect of preparation for adulthood is to promote and reinforce the Fundamental British Values (FBVs).

These values support all of us to establish a strong sense of social and moral responsibility within our community. They help us to challenge prejudice and stereotyping and underpin what it is to be a citizen in a modern and diverse Britain. They support us to create an environment free from discrimination, tolerance and hate.

The principles of Fundamental British Values are actively promoted on a daily basis through our school values which underpin our vision at PCS, as well as explored across the wider academic curriculum. As well as promoting these values to students, the conduct of all school staff reflects them.

Democracy: Students are aware of their rights and responsibilities within a culture built on freedom and equality.

The Rule of Law: Students are aware that there is a need for rules in order for everybody to feel secure, happy and safe.

Individual Liberty: Students are aware of their own rights and the rights of others.

Mutual Respect: Students are aware that our school ethos and behaviour policy has evolved around the values which underpin our vision Aspire, Believe, Contribute, Achieve. Thus emphasising the importance of the value of every member of our community.

Freedom of Different Faiths and Beliefs: Students are aware and understand that we don’t all share the same beliefs and values. They respect the values, beliefs and ideas of others whilst not imposing their own onto others.


Democracy: We believe it is crucial that our school models the principles and practice of democracy. Students have the opportunity to have their voices heard through liaison with our student leadership team, frequent student voice and regular student surveys. We also have a PCS student representative in the East Sussex Youth Cabinet who has been democratically elected. Our Year 11 School President and Vice President have been elected by students at PCS as well as year 6 students from our 4 feeder primary schools. The democratic process is employed for important decisions within the school community so that students can experience and understand how this process works. Students applied to become part of the leadership team and underwent an interview process before selection. The Peacehaven Youth Mayor is a PCS student.

The Rule of Law: The importance of codes of conduct and behaviour are consistently reinforced throughout the school day, and through school assemblies. Our staff are positive role models for our students. In the school environment the rules are fair and rewards and sanctions are made very clear to all members of the community.  Through our PSHE lessons as wel as our delivery of the Personal Development Intervention programme in KS3 & KS4 and Citizenship at KS4, students are taught about why laws are important in a democratic society, and about the laws that govern and protect the citizens of the UK. They learn about the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken.

Individual Liberty: Within school, pupils are actively encouraged to make positive choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a school we provide boundaries for students to make choices safely. Students are encouraged to know and understand how to exercise their rights and personal freedoms.  We advise them how to exercise these safely, for example through our PSHE Curriculum, our e-safety and Personal Development Intervention sessions as well as in their IT lessons. Students have the right to choose from a wide range of enrichment activities based on their interests. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and The Human Rights Act has been taught through the Personal Development Intervention curriculum from Sept 2022.

Mutual Respect: All the adults in our school community model the importance of mutual respect. We have a zero tolerance approach to all forms of bullying. Year 10 students have been trained as peer mentors to support younger students. Students take part in discussions and assemblies about what mutual respect means and how it is evident in social interaction. Students learn how their behaviours can affect themselves and others. Posters around the school promote respect for others, and this is also emphasised through our behaviour policy. Our Personal Development curriculum teaches students how to behave responsibly towards themselves and others in preparation for adulthood.

Freedom of Different Faiths and Beliefs: We approach this by developing students' understanding of their place in a richly diverse society. We give them opportunities to experience such diversity through visitors to the school, visits to places of worship and symbolic significance, and through our wider enrichment programme which encourages them to be outward-looking and curious about the wider world. We welcome students from all faiths and cultures to learn at our school. Learning about different faiths and beliefs in RE is supported by other areas of the curriculum, such as English, geography, history, art, drama, music, dance and history, and features in some assembly themes.

Our assemblies uphold our school vision of the values which will support them to Aspire, Believe, Contribute, Achieve alongside the traditional values of empathy and tolerance. Assemblies respond to current issues that are of interest to, or affect, our school community. We welcome outside speakers from a range of diverse backgrounds to speak at assemblies.


Our vision is reality:

‘’Achievement is a focus for all within an inclusive and supportive school community. We develop confident, happy, ambitious students who take pride in their learning, flourish and are safe. Students will be socially aware and leave our school being academically successful, having the skills and qualities to face new challenges.’’

Fundamental British Values within Curriculum

Food Preparation
Modern Foreign Languages
Physical Education
Philosophy and RE

Protected Characteristics at PCS

Each and every one of us has the right to be protected from harassment or discrimination in relation to nine recognised protected characteristics in line with the Equality Act 2010.

Protected Characteristics at PCS

Religion or belief
Sexual Orientation
Pregnancy & maternity
Gender reassignment
Marriage and civil partnership