Policies and Guidance

Charging and Remissions Policy
Complaints Policy
Data Protection Policy
Equality Statement
Health and Safety Policy
Whistleblowing Policy

Our school's policies are an essential part of our commitment to providing outstanding education that promotes excellent cognitive and social-emotional outcomes for all students. Designed to create a safe and supportive learning environment, our policies cover topics such as behaviour, anti-bullying, attendance, and safeguarding. They have been carefully developed to help drive our school's ambitious vision, which places the highest priority on the academic and personal development of our students.

We encourage everyone in our school community to read and follow our policies at all times. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. We are committed to reviewing and updating our policies regularly to ensure they continue to meet the needs of our school community, and we welcome your feedback and suggestions.

By working together and following our policies, we can create a positive and inclusive school environment that supports the academic and personal development of all our students.

If the policy you are looking for isn't listed, or you require a paper version, or have any comments on our policies then please contact the pcs-enquiries@swale.at for more information. For any viewing difficulties, Adobe Acrobat Reader can ensure the correct display of these policies.

Accessibility Plan

Admissions Policy

Anti-bullying Policy

Attendance Policy

Behaviour Policy

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Policy

Careers - Provider Access Policy Statement

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and Procedures

Children with health needs who cannot attend school

Children Missing Education

Computer Acceptable Use Disclaimer

Curriculum Policy

Designated Teacher Policy

Drug and Substance Misuse Policy

Equality and Objectives Policy

Keeping Children Safe in Education

Mobile Phone Protocols

Offsite Activities and Educational Visits Policy

Online Safety Policy

Positive Mental Health & Well-being

Preventing Extremism and Radicalisation Safeguarding Policy

Prevent Risk Assessment

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Policy

SEND Documents and Policies

Supervision of Children Policy

Suspensions and Permanent Exclusions

Work Experience Protocol

Fair Processing Notice

Schools, Local Authorities (LAs), the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA), Ofsted, the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) and organisations that require access to data in the Learner Registration Scheme as part of the MIAP (Managing Information Across Partners) Programme all process information on pupils in order to run the education system; and Department of Health (DH) and Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) process information on pupils in order to tackle the year on year rise in obesity among children, and in doing so have to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998.

This means, among other things, that the data held about pupils must only be used for specific purposes allowed by law. We are therefore writing to tell you about the types of data held, why that data is held, and to whom it may be passed on.

For a full version of our Fair Processing Notice (in accordance with the Data Protection Act) please see the attached document below.

Fair Processing Notice