Medical Room


Dawn O’Neill - Medical Officer -
The medical room is located behind the main reception area.

Year 9 - TdiPV & MenACW Vaccinations - 27th March 2025

Medical Conditions / Dietary Needs & Disabilities

Please can you check your child(ren)'s medical information on the My Child at School app to make sure that the information we currently hold is up-to-date. Such information includes medical conditions, dietary requirements, and disabilities.

Any required amendments cannot be made through the app, but instead must please be put in writing to me via email at so that the necessary updates can be made on our school systems.

If you are unable to access your My Child at School app for any reason, please email for support.

FAQ Document

TdIPV & MenACWY Parent Consent Letter

Outstanding TdIPV and MenACWY Vaccinations

If this applies to your child and:

You have already completed and returned a consent form; the Immunisation Team will contact you prior to offering these vaccinations.
You consented for your child to receive these vaccinations at a different school, and it is still outstanding, please contact your local Immunisation team so that they can update your child’s consent form.
You have not yet consented and would like to do so please request the consent information from your child’s school.

If your child presents themselves to the Immunisation Team during the catch-up session, and records indicate that they are outstanding these vaccinations, the Immunisation Team may offer them the opportunity to consent to these themselves. This would be following an assessment of their competence and understanding of what's involved with the vaccinations, and an attempt to contact their parents in the first instance.

Speak to a member of the Immunisation Service by calling your local team on 01273 696011


Ext. 3789


Ext. 8100


Ext. 2043


Ext. 2080


Ext. 4931


Ext. 8533


Type One Diabetes Research

Could you take part? 

School Nurses

A Government Healthy Schools Programme representative will be running a lunchtime health promotion event where students can speak about physical and mental health issues, openly or in a confidential one-to-one setting on Tuesday 14th May 2024.


A Guide to Immunisation for Young People

How to Register for Cinnamon Immunisation E-Consent System