Medical Room
Dawn O’Neill - Medical Officer -
The medical room is located behind the main reception area.
HPV Vaccine - 20th June
Click here for the HPV Vaccination poster
HPV teaching resource from The University of Bristol and London School of Tropical Medicine
EDUCATE, co-produced by young people and researchers from the University of Bristol and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine with input from colleagues at UK Health Security Agency, will help professionals inform Key Stage 3 students about the HPV vaccine.
The resources are aimed at Year 8 students before they are offered the HPV vaccine. However, other young people may also benefit from having the opportunity to find out more about the process. The resources for the EDUCATE lesson include films and exercises to assist learning and support the delivery of the HPV vaccination programme by providing young people with information and answering any questions they may have. It prepares them to be vaccinated at school and helps them make the decision to be vaccinated or not.
As well as covering key learning opportunities from the ‘Health and Wellbeing’ section of the Programme of Study, the lesson pack also covers the statutory Health Education requirements to ensure students know ‘about personal hygiene, germs including bacteria, viruses, how they are spread, treatment and prevention of infection, and the facts and science relating to immunisation and vaccination’.
It can be accessed for free at:
Prescribed Medication
If your child has been prescribed medication or you would like them to have access to their own tablets (eg. Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, antihistamine), you must bring it into school, in the bought or prescribed box and complete a Consent Form so that it can be kept locked away in the medical room, administered by a trained First Aider.
Medway Td/IPV for Year 9 - 27th March 2025
HPV for Year 8 - 20th June 2025
School Vaccination Code - SX131601
Y10&11 TdIPV MenACWY Vaccinations
The Immunisation Service are coming into school for a Tetanus/Diphtheria/Polio (Td/IPV) and Meningitis ACWY (MenACWY) vaccination catch up session on Thursday 27th March 2025 to offer these vaccines to students in years 10 and 11 who have not yet received the Td/IPV & MenACWY vaccinations, which are routinely offered in year 9.
If this applies to your child and:
- You have already completed and returned a consent form; the Immunisation Team will contact you prior to offering this vaccination.
OR - You consented for your child to receive this vaccination at a different school, and it is still outstanding, please contact your local Immunisation team on
01273 696011 x 3789 so that they can update your child’s consent form. - OR
- You have not yet consented and would like to do so please request the consent information from your child’s school.
For information about the Td/IPV & MenACWY vaccines and frequently asked questions visit:
Frequently Asked Questions | Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Polio and Meningitis (
Y10&11 TdIPV MenACWY Parent Letter
Summer Catch-Up Clinics
Dear Parents and Guardians,
The Immunisation Service coordinates the national school-based vaccination programmes for Flu, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and Tetanus/Diphtheria/Polio and Meningitis ACWY vaccinations, for eligible students.
Please see the attached flyer which contains information on the vaccinations your child should have received by the end of each year group, and what to do if they have missed any of these. We are running catch up clinics at various locations across Sussex throughout the summer.
If your child has missed any of these vaccinations, and you would like to book an appointment at one of our community catch-up clinics, please follow one of the two options below:
- Option 1 - If you have previously completed a consent form for the vaccination and you would like to book an appointment for:
- Check your emails (including Junk folder) for a ‘Consent Form Submitted’ email from This contains your unique booking reference number, which you will need to enter in order to book an appointment.
- Click the following link and select the vaccination you are booking an appointment for (this must match the vaccine on the ‘consent form submitted’ email).
- Enter your booking reference number and email address, to view and book an appointment at one of our clinics.
- Option 2 - If you have not previously completed a consent form for the vaccination you would like to book, or you are having any problems booking an appointment, please follow the instructions in the attached flyer to speak to one of the team and arrange a clinic appointment.
See our website for further information about school age vaccinations: Child Immunisation Service (
Sent on behalf of the Vaccination Programme Coordinators, Sussex Immunisation Service (SIS)
Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust (SCFT)
Medical Conditions / Dietary Needs & Disabilities
Please can you check your child(ren)'s medical information on the My Child at School app to make sure that the information we currently hold is up-to-date. Such information includes medical conditions, dietary requirements, and disabilities.
Any required amendments cannot be made through the app, but instead must please be put in writing to me via email at so that the necessary updates can be made on our school systems.
If you are unable to access your My Child at School app for any reason, please email for support.
TdIPV & MenACWY Parent Consent Letter
Type One Diabetes Research
Could you take part?
School Nurses
A Government Healthy Schools Programme representative will be run lunchtime health promotion events throughout the year, where students can speak about physical and mental health issues, openly or in a confidential one-to-one setting.
A Guide to Immunisation for Young People
How to Register for Cinnamon Immunisation E-Consent System