Career Support
Our careers provision at Peacehaven Community School plays an important role in preparing our students for their future in a changing world. We believe in setting high expectations for all students and supporting them to achieve their full potential. Our careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) programme provides impartial support to students, enabling them to become independent managers of their own careers.
Careers Programme
We provide information on a wide range of education and training options, including technical education qualifications and apprenticeships, to help our students make informed decisions about their future. Through our CEIAG programme, we also encourage our students to engage with local employers and community partners, broadening their horizons and developing a sense of social responsibility.
All pupils in years 7-11 are entitled to:
- Find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeship opportunities as part of a careers programme that provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point.
- Hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships, through options events, assemblies, group discussions, and taster events.
- Understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.
The named careers lead for the school is Josie Turner: - 01273 581100
Our Careers policy is available here.
Students will receive careers guidance in Personal Development lessons but may also ask for further guidance through the library, mentor or Head of Year.
Parents wishing to have more information should contact:
Ms Newman, Careers Advisor -
We invite any organisation wishing to present to our students regarding careers and education to contact:
We regularly review our careers provision and impact, and keep a range of internal tracking including:
- Student Voice
- Student feedback on their experience of the careers programme and what they gained from it
- An annual careers survey to all staff
- Staff feedback on careers lessons, mock interviews etc
- Gathering informal feedback from external partners and from parents
- Quality assurance of careers lesson
- Student destination figures post-16
Careers provision will be reviewed annually in January each year.
CIEAG Peacehaven Community School 2023-2024
Post-16 Options
Future Aspirations and Careers Newsletter 22-23 - Edition 3
Future Aspirations and Careers Newsletter 22-23 - Edition 2
Future Aspirations and Careers Newsletter 22-23 - Edition 1
Careers and College Transition at PCS
Work Experience
Post 16 Transition
Useful links:
Greater Brighton Metropolitan College
East Sussex College Group (Eastbourne and Lewes)
Seaford Head 6th Form
Plumpton College
Institute for Contemporary Theatre
A levels
T levels
Post 16 Choices
Students wishing to apply to Plumpton College, East Sussex College (Lewes, Eastbourne or Hastings), or Seaford Head 6th Form need to apply through the e-prospectus website
Students will be given their login details for e-prospectus but if there are any problems please contact Mrs Pellett by email -
Students wishing to apply to colleges in Brighton need to apply on the colleges own websites.
Students can apply to more than one college, with the exception of BHASVIC & Varndean and for more than one course.
Further information, advice and guidance will be available to students through a series of College presentations and Personal Development time. We would also encourage Year 11 students to attend as many college open evenings as possible.
At PCS we also have a well-stocked careers library, if you would like to look at information on specific careers. If you need help accessing any of the websites below or would like to book a careers meeting, please see Mrs Pellett or Ms Newman in the library or email:
Spotlight on Leisure, Sport and Tourism
A series of videos on YouTube from industry experts in the Leisure, Sport and Tourism industry:
Labour Market Information
Watch this video to hear Matt Brill from the East Sussex Careers Hub providing a local update around Labour Market Information (LMI) in the context of the county's six priority sectors. You'll also find a range of resources that you can access to support your own LMI research, giving you valuable information and guidance.
Careers Websites
General Educational Information - Finance, volunteering, higher education, employment - Education updates including English Baccalaureate
National Career websites - National Careers Service -National Health Service - Nursing and Midwifery Council - Army - RAF - Navy - Merchant Navy - Ministry of Defence - Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths - Careers inform from the automotive industry
Careers Research - Advice and guidance to parents & carers with regards to the options open to students after leaving school - Careers Advice, Choices & Ideas - Prepare students for a rapidly changing world - click here for Parent Guide - Online careers resource - General information for young people
A levels - Making A level choices
Post 16 Destinations - Albion in the Community (Sport) - BACA - BRIT (Performing Arts) - BIMM (Music) - Cardinal Newman - Newman College - Crawley College - DV8 - Hove Park Sixth Form - Military Preparation College, Eastbourne - Seaford Head - Shoreham Academy - Worthing College - Greater Brighton Metropolitan College (Formerly City College) - Sussex Downs Group, Eastbourne and Lewes - Brighton - Brighton - Northbrook College - Worthing - Plumpton, Lewes - Bexhill - Sutton, Croydon, Rosehill and Brighton - Kings Academy Ringmer - Uckfield Community College - Council for Independent Colleges - Careers East Sussex
Universities All you need to find the right uni! - League tables and rankings - Represents 20 leading UK universities - How to apply and much more
Routes other than university - the one stop site for apprenticeships,
gap years, distance learning and jobs
Volunteering - Gap year/volunteering
Work experience
Study abroad
Understanding what employers want
There are lots of resources and vacancies available from Amazing Apprenticeships. Click here for more details
Apprenticeship Vacancies 23rd June 2023
The following local vacancies are all available on the National Apprenticeship website
Click here for the list - To register and see vacancies - To see local Training Providers - Southern Water - Steve Willis Training in Gas, Plumbing & Electrical Apprenticeships
For Parents
Guidance is available for both you and your child, we recommend that you encourage students to discuss careers as much as possible, focussing on their personal dreams and ambitions, and how this is supported through the school values. is a good tool for students to use to get them thinking of jobs that would match their interests, skills and qualities.
Parent/Carer guide:
Year 7
In year 7 students think about their potential career plans and future aspirations. This is followed up throughout the year in their personal development lessons with information, advice and guidance which is delivered by mentors to inform students of the opportunities available to them. There are opportunities across the year for students to find out more about the world of work and have meaningful encounters with providers of further and higher education, through visiting speakers and assemblies as well as off-site visits.
Year 8
In year 8 students build upon the skills and knowledge they have previously acquired to develop their understanding of future career paths. Students will learn how to access information about different career opportunities available to them and begin to research different routes they can follow:
Year 9
We are proud to take advantage of the East Sussex Opening doors project and many students will receive invites to attend specific events at local employers. In 2019 these trips included
• BAMNuttal
• Grand Hotel Eastbourne
• The Depot, Lewes
Year 10
Click here for the "What Next Year 10 March 2023" PDF
All students are invited to take part in work experience at the end of the year, this is supported through an in depth careers unit during Personal Development time at the start of the year, throughout the year building CV’s, personal statements and lessons in how to act in the workplace will be conducted through SPHERE. Students reflect on these as an extended piece of writing in English at the end of the year.
Year 11
Applying for college and further education is the main theme for Y11 with students receiving lessons on personal statement, interviews and interview technique. Students will all apply to a range of options.
In November, we invite local employers to interview each of our Y11 students, this provides impartial feedback to students about suitability for employment and presentation and in some cases has led to offers of employment.
The Eight Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Career Guidance
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from career and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each pupil
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of workplace
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
All students will receive careers guidance in a number of ways:
- In careers education during Personal Development lessons
- Highlighted career potential and opportunities during subject lessons
- Careers library in the library and advice from our careers team
- Access to one to one interviews and meetings with the Youth Employability service
- During tutor time
- Through our enterprise advisor - Rampion Windfarm
All students are encouraged to have enterprise skills, representing the demand from parents and local employers.
- Opportunities to take part in the ‘tenner challenge’ and other activities from Young Enterprise
- Charity events run throughout the year
- The PCS summer fair or Winter Fair
- Year 10 work experience
Measuring impact of the careers programme
At PCS we track every individual student's interaction with the careers programme. This includes, but is not exclusive to, work experience, employer encounters and university visits. In this way we are able to keep a detailed record of the experience of each student and also target students for specific programmes or interventions if needed.
After every event or interaction we gather student voice and feedback regarding the relevance and enjoyment of the experience. One of the key measures for measuring impact is destinations; what our students go on to do after leaving PCS post 16. Based on latest DFE figures 95% of young people go on to stay in education for at least two terms against a national average of 94%.
Review of Careers Programme
We review our progress towards fulfilling the Gatsby Benchmarks: three times during the academic year - December, April and June - and share this information with governors and the Careers and Enterprise Company.
The Baker Clause
The Baker Clause was introduced as an amendment to the Technical and Further Education Act 2017.
In line with the requirements of the Baker Clause, which stipulates that schools must allow colleges and training providers access to every student in years 8 to 13 to discuss non-academic routes that are available to them, students at PCS are offered a wealth of experiences. These opportunities provide information and guidance about the different skills required across various sectors of the economy and advise students on the routes they need to take in order to pursue a career in these sectors.
The careers page on our website advertises the range of education and training providers that our students have access to.
Our Provider Access Policy sets out our arrangements for provider access.
Write a CV Guide
PCS Alumni
If you are able to help out in any way, please fill in the Google Doc to leave us your contact details and we will get straight back to you.
If you are a former student, we’d love to hear what you’ve done since leaving us. Whether you’re at university, doing an apprenticeship or have had a variety of jobs, we would love for you to join our alumni network so that we can stay connected and let you know about exciting opportunities to get involved.
If you have any questions, please email Mrs Newman:
National Citizen Service
NCS is here to help you on your journey. If you're aged 15-17, come and prove what you’re capable of achieving.
NCS is an experience designed to make you feel challenged and changed, engaged and empowered. The four-phase programme is just the beginning of an exciting journey that will give you all the confidence and skills you need to seize the future you want.
Street Art in Newhaven
Join our Discovery College Team to get involved and help shape this co-produced 8-week course. The aim will be to create your own graffiti and street art works. Tom Goulden is Priority 1-54's Youth arts educator with over 15 years’ experience of using inclusive and creative street art approaches to engage children and young people from all walks of life.
Try everything from spray painting, graffiti pen lettering design, stencilling through to mural art. This creative, nurturing and supported visual arts course could be for individuals of any level who want to meet new people, shape the work we do and try a new arts skill. This course will involve a level of group-working activity and individual supported practice. We’ll have 6 late-afternoon sessions in the week, alongside 2 half-day Saturday daytime sessions!
To register your interest, please contact: Dolmen Domikles on 07887 571691
Request for Speakers
If you would like to volunteer to give a career’s talk at PCS that is convenient to you please do get in touch and e-mail as we would love to hear from more employers.
Additional Information, Advice and Guidance
Prospectuses and Application Forms
College prospectuses will be available from the careers area at the back of the library from early October. There will be lots of help on completing applications forms available from Personal Development teachers and Ms Newman and Mrs Pellett.
Top Tips for parents to help your child succeed:
- Encourage healthy breakfasts
- Ensure your child stays hydrated
- Organisation is crucial!
- Use a notice board / fridge for key dates
- Encourage good sleep patterns (8 hours a night)
- Attend all PCS Year 11 events and College Open Events
- Refer to the homework timetable (found on PCS website). Students should be doing some homework every evening,
this is good practise, not only for GCSE’s but for college too
Please make sure that you take full advantage of all the help and support available to you
Remember - Good attendance and punctuality are crucial for a good reference and future success!
Content coming soon