
Attendance Matters

At Peacehaven Community School, we acknowledge the importance of school attendance as a cornerstone of our vision to provide an exceptional educational experience. Research consistently shows that regular attendance is paramount to academic success and social-emotional development (Gottfried, 2010; Davis et al., 2019; EEF, 2022; FFT, 2023).

Average Progress 8 Score by % absence in Year 10 & 11

To ensure our students' progress and wellbeing, we maintain a high attendance target of 96% and provide targeted support for those who struggle to meet this standard. In doing so, we empower students to make the most of our innovative and challenging teaching methods, which are informed by the latest evidence-based research.

By promoting regular attendance, we not only support our students in achieving their full potential but also prepare them for a successful future in a changing world. Each missed session represents lost opportunities for learning and growth. For example, missing just one session per week can significantly impact a student's academic performance, as it equates to 19 days of lost education per year. This could potentially result in worse GCSE grades and a wider range of short and long-term negative consequences (Connolly, Gubbins & Hannigan, 2019; Davis et al, 2019).

Peacehaven Community School's unwavering commitment to enhancing attendance is a testament to our dedication to helping every student aspire, believe, contribute, and achieve. Through regular attendance, we cultivate an environment in which our students can flourish academically, socially, and emotionally.

How to inform PCS of your Child's absence

● Ring the absence line on 01273 575832
● Email the attendance team:
● Repeat for every day of absence

Please let the Attendance Office know by 8.30am on every day that your child is off school. If your child has been issued with a Doctor's Note detailing the agreed length of absence, you can forward this to the Attendance Office instead of calling each day.

You can telephone the Absence Line on 01273 575832. There is an answer phone for out-of-hours messages. You will need to leave the name of the student, their year group and the reason for absence.

If your child needs to be absent during term time for any reason other than illness, please click on the link below for guidelines and how to request permission:

Attendance Newsletters

Newsletter 2
Newsletter 1

Withdrawal From Learning

Withdrawal From Learning Form
Penalty Notice Fines Information
Penalty Notice Fines FAQ


Good punctuality is an excellent life-skill and we expect all our students to arrive in school before 8:30am. For any student who arrives after 8:40am, we operate a ‘late gate’ and students will receive a sanction.

As a parent,
I can help by:
As a school,
We will help by:
As a student,
I can help by:
Contact the school
when your child
will be absent.
Following up on every absence ensures that no absence goes
Attending school and lessons every day, on time, to give you the very best chance of
Booking doctors and dentist appointments outside of
school hours.
Acknowledging and rewarding good
attendance and
Taking part in the
competitions and
reward incentives
Supporting your child to attend as often as possible by reminding them on the importance of school attendance Reminding parents and students about the importance of
attendance and how it is measured against attainment.
Ensuring your child arrives at school by 8:30am each morning. Letting parents know if we have concerns regarding their child’s
attendance and punctuality.



Arriving just 5 minutes late every day equals missing 3 days of education over the whole year. Arriving half an hour late every day is equivalent to 18 days of absence.

We thank you for your continued support in ensuring your child attends school every day, so they can achieve their potential.

Additional information

Attendance Policy

Working together to improve school attendance - Statutory Guidance

You can find information on school attendance provided by East Sussex County Council:

East Sussex County Council’s Code of Conduct for the provision of administering Penalty Notices for non-school attendance:

Attendance Rewards

Reward incentives for excellent attendance are available throughout the school year, with a variety of prizes to be won. At our school, we believe that good attendance is the collective responsibility of all members of our community.

We encourage all students to monitor their attendance and take ownership of their attendance record, as well as support their peers to do the same.