Uniform and Equipment

At Peacehaven Community School we have high expectations of our students and in this educational setting uniform plays an important role. We are committed to equity of opportunity; each young person has different circumstances and resources and we provide students with opportunities to ensure they reach an equal outcome. We want all students to be treated with respect and according to their actions, not by what they look like. Our uniform is an important part of this.

Students are to wear their uniform at all times in a smart and presentable manner.

We have looked to ensure that our uniform is accessible to all. The items of clothing that are branded are minimal and we continue to look at how we can keep those affordable. If uniform is a concern, we ask parents/carers to contact their child’s Pastoral Leaders. It is important that parents/carers contact us first before their child arrives with uniform infringements as students not in the correct uniform will either be given spare items of clothing, or be out of mainstream classes until the uniform is corrected.

The following information sets out the details of the uniform to be worn by all students in Years 7 – 11 in the 2022/23 school year.

Girl at desk in library

Students must wear:

  • Black blazer with school crest on the left pocket (£31.50 - £38.99) which is available from Premier Sports. All students must ensure they wear the PCS blazer in around the school.

  • Tie with the appropriate year colour stripe (£5.99) which is available from Premier Sports

    Tie year group colours

  • White cotton shirt which can be purchased from any supplier of your choice. White cotton shirt must be buttoned to the neck, long or short-sleeved.

  • Black school trousers or a Black knee-length pleated skirt which can be purchased from any supplier of your choice. Students are not permitted to wear black jeans, skin-tight trousers, leggings, stretchy tube or pencil skirts. If wearing a skirt, this should not be rolled or folded over at the top and should not be shorter than four inches (10cm) above the knee.

  • Black smart leather shoes which can be purchased from any supplier of your choice. Black smart leather shoes should be plain with plain black or white socks or black tights. Students are not permitted to wear trainers, boots, branded shoes or cloth shoes. 

Students may also wear;

  • A Black v-neck woollen pullover with no logo or branding on it. This is an optional aspect of our uniform. These can be purchased from any supplier of your choice. Students are not permitted to wear any other types of jumpers or hoodies. 

General personal appearance;

  • Hats, coats, hoodies, scarves, gloves and cardigans are not allowed to be worn inside the school building.

  • Natural hair colours only and no extreme or distracting hairstyles, cuts or colours are allowed. Hair accessories should be limited to plain clips or hairbands. 

  • Ties should reach the waistband of your trousers or skirts. Ties should be fastened close to the neck but not so tightly that they cannot be undone.

  • Shirts and blouses must be worn tucked in

  • If wearing a skirt, students have the option to wear plain black tights. Students also have the option to wear white socks or black socks. Students may wear their white or black socks with their plain black tights. 

  • Socks worn should not have any obvious logos on them.

  • No acrylic nails, nail extensions or nail varnish is allowed.

  • Students will be asked to remove makeup if it is deemed to be excessive.

  • No jewellery including any facial piercings, such as nose studs or rings.  

  • No tattoos or artwork on the skin.

If you have any queries please email: pcs-enquiries@swale.at or call the main school office line 01273 581100


Essential Desirable 

Pencil case
Black/Blue pens
Casio FX83GT-CW
(available on parent pay)

Glue stick
Purple pen 



PE Kit

Students playing netball

Here at Peacehaven Community School it is important to us that all pupils strive for their personal best in every area of school life. Within the PE department, we support this through our ethos. This means that for PE lessons we require the following:

Students must come fully prepared to the lesson with the essential PCS PE kit, this includes: 

Click here for more details on the PCS PE Kit

Core Kit (Compulsary) Premier Sports

Tech Polo (Red, Lightweight poly with logo) OR bespoke rugby polo (see below)
PCS Black shorts with logo

Optional Kit Premier Sports

Mid-layer (black 3 quarter zip top with logo)
Rugby Shirt (black and red)
Bespoke Rugby polo (short sleeved with logo)
Tech Pant (replaces track pant, black with logo)
Sports Sock
Rain Jacket (with logo) *
Bespoke reversible long sleeve rugby shirt (with logo) *
Lycra base layers

* Form available from reception & PE department.

Bespoke Dance and Performing Arts kit are available to those students that choose to take these as KS4 options. Further details and order forms will be provided to your child via their teacher at the beginning of each academic year.

All students are required to follow the PCS PE kit policy for PE lessons. If a student is ill or injured whilst in school they will still need to change and will adopt a different role, such as a coach, to allow their learning to continue. Students who fail to follow the PCS and PE expectations will be provided with PCS PE kit to wear. Those students who continually fail to come prepared will be issued with further school sanctions.

As per our whole school policy, piercings are not allowed and cannot be taped up. In addition, shoulder length hair will also need to be tied up for student safety.

Please email Head of PE, James Clarke, regarding any PE Kit queries: james.clarke@swale.at