Modern Foreign Languages

Curriculum Intent

At Peacehaven Community School, our languages curriculum is meticulously designed to empower our students as true 'World Citizens', reflecting our vision of providing an outstanding education that nurtures cognitive and social-emotional outcomes. By fostering a love for languages, we aim to equip our students with vital life skills, setting them apart from their monolingual counterparts and expanding their future opportunities in work, study, and travel.

Our inclusive and engaging curriculum celebrates diverse cultures, enabling our students to embrace inclusivity, resilience, and community partnership. We focus on providing ample opportunities for personal growth and understanding, encouraging our students to be curious about the world and cultivate a deep appreciation for the rich tapestry of languages and cultures.

Our language lessons promote the acquisition of valuable linguistic skills while inspiring students to understand and respect the diversity of the world around them. This comprehensive approach enables our students to participate actively in global conversations, contribute positively to society, and develop essential skills for to be truly exceptional citizens of the world.

French Learning Journey

Spanish Learning Journey

Assessment Schedule

Kate Hayhurst - Head of Modern Foreign Languages -

KS3 French and Spanish

Students will follow the Viva and Studio Course books. They will have 2 lessons a week in either French or Spanish in years 7, 8 and 9. They will complete 5 modules over the course of the year and at the end of each module they will undertake an assessment across a selection of the 4 skill areas - speaking, listening, reading and writing. 

Year 7 French

In terms 1 & 2, students will have an introduction to French and learn simple classroom commands and instructions. They will be able to talk about themselves, their likes and dislikes and learn all about school life.

In terms 3 & 4, students will be learning about their hobbies and free time activities, including use of computers and mobile phones. They will also learn about towns and villages, giving directions, and inviting someone out.

In terms 5 & 6, students will talk about holiday plans and activities and experience some cultural awareness projects.

Medium Term Plans

Term 1
Identity and Culture
Term 2
Current, Future Study and Employment
Term 4
Local National and Global Areas of Interest

Year 7 Spanish

In terms 1 & 2, students will give a description about their life with simple facts and will be able to talk about what they like doing in their free time.

In terms 3 & 4, students will give a description about their life in school and will be able to talk about their families and home

In terms 5 & 6, students will be able to describe their town, local area and what plan they have for the weekend

Medium Term Plans
Term 3
Current and Future Study and Employment
Term 4
Identity and Culture

Year 8 French

In terms 1 & 2, students will learn about TV, film and books. They will be able to talk about internet use and activities they have undertaken in the past. They will have an introduction to regular present tense verbs as well as the verbs aller and faire. Students will find out all about Paris and be able to use the perfect tense.

In terms 3 & 4, students will have an introduction to reflexive verbs and the future tense. They will be able to talk about themselves and the things they like to do. They will be able to describe where they live and discuss food. They will also have an introduction to events.

In terms 5 & 6, students will use language to talk about talent and ambition. They will work on a variety of grammatical concepts - infinitives, imperatives, superlatives and the language of persuasion.

Medium Term Plans

Term 1
Identity and Culture
Term 2
Local, National, International & Global Areas of Interest
Term 3
Identity and Culture
Term 4
Local National and Global Areas of Interest

Year 8 Spanish

In terms 1 & 2, students will be able to give a description of their last holidays. Also, they will talk about what thing they do with their phones and music/tv interests

In terms 3 & 4, students will give opinions about food and order in a restaurant. They will discuss and arrange plans too.

In terms 5 & 6, students will describe and discuss summer holiday homes, activities, destinations.

Medium Term Plans
Term 3
Y8 - Identity and Culture

Year 9 French

In terms 1 & 2, students will discuss their social lives and going out, as well as healthy living. They will be able to use 3 tenses.

In terms 3 & 4, students will talk about jobs and future plans, followed by holidays.

In terms 5 & 6, students will study the language relating to themselves in today’s world.

Medium Term Plans
Term 1
Identity and Culture
Term 2
Local, National, International & Global Areas of Interest
Term 3
Current and Future Study and Employment
Local National and Global Areas of Interest

Year 9 Spanish

In terms 1 & 2, students will be able to give a description of the things they like, talk about a special event, films and celebrities. Also, they will learn about the world of work and future careers

In terms 3 & 4, students will talk about healthy lifestyle, food and meals, getting fit and daily routines. They will continue working on the topic of recycling, fair trade, children’s rights and world issues

In terms 5 & 6, students will be able to talk about an adventure abroad, greet people, design a treasure hunt. Also they will organise future plans.

Medium Term Plans
Term 3
Identity and Culture
Term 4
Local, national, international and global areas of interest

KS4 French and Spanish

At KS4 (years 10 & 11) students will follow the Viva and Studio Course books and will have 3 lessons a week. They will complete 8 modules over the two years and at the end of each module they will undertake an assessment across a selection of the 4 skill areas - speaking, listening, reading and writing. They will be working towards the:

AQA French Exam

AQA Spanish Exam

Year 10 French

In terms 1 & 2, students will have an introduction to GCSE Theme 1 - Identity and Culture. Qui suis-je?

In terms 3 & 4, students will continue with Theme 1 - Identity and Culture. Le temps des loisirs et Jours ordinaires, jours de fête

In terms 5 & 6, students will have an introduction to Theme 2 - Local, National and International areas of interest. De la ville à la campagne

Medium Term Plans
Term 1
Identity and Culture
Term 2
Identity and Culture
Term 3
Identity and Culture
Term 4
Local National and Global Areas of Interest

Year 10 Spanish

In terms 1 & 2, students will work on GCSE Theme 1: Identity and culture. Intereses e influencias

In terms 3 & 4, students will continue with Theme 3: Current and future study and employment. Mi vida en el insti and Theme 1: Identity and culture. Mi gente

In terms 5 & 6, students will work on Theme 1: Identity and culture. Intereses e influencias

Medium Term Plans
Term 3
Identity and Culture
Term 4
Identity and Culture

Year 11 French

In terms 1 & 2, students will continue with Theme 2 - Local, National and International areas of interest. Le grand large…(Les vacances). Students will start Theme 3 - Current and Future study and employment. Au collège.

In terms 3 & 4, students will complete Theme 3 - Current and Future study and employment. Bon Travail and complete Theme 2 -  Local, National and International areas of interest. Un oeil sur le monde.

In terms 5 & 6, students will revise over all topics covered, prepare for and complete the GCSE exam.

Medium Term Plans
Term 1
Current and Future Study and Employment
Term 2
Current and Future Study and Employment
Term 3
Y11 - Local, National, International and Global Areas of Interest

Year 11 Spanish

In terms 1 & 2, students will work on GCSE Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest. Ciudades. They will continue with Theme 1: Identity and culture. De costumbre

In terms 3 & 4, students will cover Theme 3: Current and future study and employment.  ¡A currar!. Also, they will work on

In term 5 & 6, students will do revision of the GCSE content, complete mock exams and do their GCSE exams.

Medium Term Plans
Term 3
Y11 - Local, National, International and Global Areas of Interest


In KS3 homework is set once a fortnight.  Students will use the digital platforms Duolingo, Quizlet and SENECA to support their linguistic skills. All assignments will be set on Google Classroom and students will be given one week to complete them.

In KS4 homework is set once a week. Students will be set Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing exam style questions through the digital platforms Quizlet, SENECA and BBC Bitesize. All assignments will be set on Google Classroom and students will be given one week to complete them.

Community Languages

A significant number of our students speak another language at home - a community language - in addition to English. There are GCSE courses available in many of these languages, which will give students recognition of their prowess in their community language. 

Like the languages that we teach at GCSE at PCS, these GCSE courses all include a requirement to be able to speak, listen, read and write to the same standard as other GCSE languages.

Although we do not deliver teaching of community languages, we are able to support students through the completion of the specification and are able to arrange for them to sit the GCSE examination at school.

Languages Available

Unfortunately, not all community languages have GCSEs available, but if you are proficient in any of the languages listed, we may be able to help you sit your GCSE. All these languages count in the EBacc element.

  • Arabic

  • Bengali

  • Chinese (Mandarin)

  • Dutch

  • Greek (Classical or Modern)

  • Gujurati

  • Hebrew (Biblical or Modern)

  • Italian

  • Japanese

  • Latin

  • Modern Hebrew

  • Panjabi

  • Persian

  • Polish

  • Portuguese

  • Russian

  • Spanish

  • Turkish

For further information, please speak to Ms Turner:

Additional Resources

Text books

KS3 French Studio 1, 2, 3
KS3 Spanish Viva 1,2,3
KS4 French Studio AQA
KS4 Spanish Viva AQA

(most of these can be downloaded onto a Smartphone)

Tailor made resources by staff relevant to vocabulary areas that students struggle to recall.

Free phone apps to download:



Are available to purchase £5.00 for a guide and a workbook. The workbook is extremely useful as it has GCSE graded questions and is self-marking as well as having lots of listening activities - an area the students still find very difficult, but they can work through them at their own pace. They can redo these as many times as they need to.


To have another language is to possess a second soul


If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart

Nelson Mandela

A different language is a different vision of life

Federico Fellini