
Curriculum Intent

At Peacehaven Community School, our Access Department delivers a truly exceptional curriculum that embodies our core values: Aspire, Believe, Contribute, and Achieve. Our highly adapted curriculum is meticulously designed to meet the individual learning needs of our students, ensuring that they thrive academically and personally, in alignment with our vision for outstanding education.

Our Access curriculum cultivates a culture of ambition, empowering students to aspire to greatness. By providing a personalised learning experience, we inspire our students to set high expectations for themselves and equip them with the necessary tools and resources to overcome barriers and reach their full potential.

We believe in the power of collaboration and inclusivity. Our dedicated team of expert teachers and teaching assistants work closely together to create a nurturing environment that fosters trust, respect, and self-belief in our students. Through this supportive atmosphere, we enable our students to embrace their strengths and overcome their challenges.

Our Access curriculum uses flexible groupings to promote well-rounded learners by encouraging students to become active, responsible, and engaged members of our school community. We provide opportunities for students to develop valuable life skills, with a core focus on literacy development. Our curriculum engages students in meaningful extracurricular activities, and explores their interests beyond the classroom.

Access English Learning Journey

Access Maths Learning Journey Years 7-9

Nicky Channon - Head of SENDCo -

Lexia Power Up


Students follow a broad and balanced curriculum which mirrors the mainstream core subject areas.

In KS3 the Access groups follow a highly differentiated curriculum pathway in English, Maths, Science, Languages and Humanities.

Within these subject areas we aim to develop:

  • Independent thinking

  • Oracy

  • Resilience 

  • Group work 

  • Social Skills

  • Problem solving

  • Extended writing

  • Creative thinking

In KS4 students either remain on the Access pathway and follow a programme of Life Skills and Functional Skills ( Maths and English) or complete option choices and return to the mainstream pathway.

The Life Skills curriculum in KS4 prepares students for adult life and equips them with the necessary skills to support themselves independently focusing on shopping, budgeting and accessing supported college places.

Students in KS4 on the Access Pathway will continue to follow a Functional Skills pathway culminating in obtaining Entry Level qualifications in English and Maths.

The Functional Skills Curriculum focuses on developing learners skills of basic literacy and numeracy firmly rooted in everyday life such as handling money and filling in documentation.

Above all the Access department is fully committed to inclusive education for all learners whatever their learning needs.


The Access Department supports a gradual introduction of homework.

Year 7: Students build up to 30 minutes of homework once a week in English, Maths and Science and 30 minutes homework in Humanities and Languages once per fortnight.

Year 8: Students are set 30 minutes of homework once a week in English, Maths and Science and 30 minutes per fortnight in Humanities and MFL

Year 9: 60 minutes once per week in English, Maths and Life Skills

Year 10: 60 minutes once per week in English, Maths and Life Skills

Year 11: 60 minutes once per week in English, Maths and Life Skills

Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn