Exam Calendars
Y10 Spring Mock Exam Calendar 2025
Every student will need the following items of equipment in order to complete their exams:
- Black ink pen or black biro
- An HB pencil
- An eraser
- A ruler
- A pencil sharpener
In addition to these items, Mathematics and Science exams require:
- A scientific calculator (students are responsible for their own calculators, including replacing batteries and making sure that the calculator is in good working order before their exam)
- A protractor
- A compass
For Design and Technology, Food Preparation and Nutrition and Media Studies exams coloured pencils will also be required.
All equipment must be taken into the exam room in a transparent container (such as a transparent pencil case or a clear plastic bag).
Notes, timetables and revision books must be left in lockers.
Coats, bags and folders must be left in lockers and not taken into the exam venue.
A bottle of water can be brought into the venue in a clear bottle but any labels MUST be removed.
Coloured drinks and food are not permitted.
Note: Mobile phones, watches, potential technological/web enabled sources of information, iPods, AirPods, earphones/earbuds or MP3/4 players are NOT ALLOWED in the examination venue.
Should you choose to ignore this warning you WILL be reported to the exam board and your paper may not be accepted.
JCQ’s official notices and warnings must be read and understood by students before undertaking any examinations. A copy of these notices are attached below:
Information for Candidates - Non-Examination Assessments
Information for Candidates - Coursework Assessments
Information for Candidates - On-screen Tests
Information for Candidates - Privacy Notice (Updated version to come)
Information for Candidates - Social Media (Updated version to come)
Exam Boards
AQA - https://www.aqa.org.uk/
Eduqas - https://www.eduqas.co.uk/
NCFE - https://www.ncfe.org.uk/
OCR - https://www.ocr.org.uk/
Pearson - https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/home.html
Sports Leaders - https://www.sportsleaders.org/
Exam Policies
Appeals Against Internally Assessed Marks
Candidate Identification Procedure
Controlled Assessments Risk Management Process
Enquiries About Results Appeals
Malpractice - AQA Interactive Quiz
Outlining Staff Responsibilities
People Present in the Exam Room
Reasonable Adjustments & Special Considerations
Revision Resources
Get Ready for Revision resources from the University of Brighton
Get Ready for Revision
Get Ready for Revision Techniques – Introduction https://sway.office.com/9VnoUW86eAAFjxgp?ref=Link
Get Ready Revision Techniques – Using Mind Maps https://sway.office.com/BmerPrD1S6aBMpLG?ref=Link
Get Ready Revision Techniques – Using Flash Cards https://sway.office.com/nsg3XPxfS0kgQZcc?ref=Link
Get Ready Revision Techniques – Listening https://sway.office.com/1RcCPi3fHlqXvYnq?ref=Link
Year 11 Revision
Year 11 Exam Boards
Y10 Revision
Year 10 Revision
Paper 1 English Language
Reading fiction texts - writing about language, structure and evaluating texts.
Creative writing telling a story using a range of descriptive writing techniques.
Paper 1 English Literature
Macbeth - analysing a passage and the text as a whole.
Revision links
SCENE for creative writing
Explain scenario
Narrow to detail
Exciting ending
Paper 2 FOUNDATION (non calc)
Lines and order of symmetry,Multiplying and subtracting fractions,Properties of triangles, quadrilaterals and 3D shapes,Mean, median, rage and interpretation,Conversion graphs - using to interpret,Time series graphs, Conversion between FDP, Understanding roots and powers including negative indices, Solving money problems, Rearranging formula, Equation of straight lines, Drawing quadratic graphs, Double ratio problems, Decimal division, Estimation - rounding, Standard form, Fibonacci sequences, Expanding single and double brackets, Factorising quadratics and solving them, Probability and sample space, decimal addition and problem solving, Reverse percentages, Transformations - enlagement, rotation, translation, Time series graphs and trends / interpretation
Paper 3 FOUNDATION (calc)
Drawing and interpreting pictograms, BIDMAS,Converting between FDP, Interpreting wordy algebra questions, Outcomes for probability, Ordering decimals, Showing inequalities on a number line, Grouping like terms - simplifying expressions, Solving multi step equations, Wordy money problems,Percentage increase,Combinations and probability,Triangle and quadrilateral properties, Substitution into a formula, Understand and interpret indices, Find angles in pie charts, Construct the perpendicular bisector of a line, Draw and interpret pie charts, Evaluate graphs, Calculate an estimate of a mean from grouped data, Interior and exterior angles of polygons, Straight line graphs - gradient and y-intercept, Speed distance time calculations, Trigonometry, Estimation and standard form, Scale drawing and estimation, Proportional and inverse proportion graphs, Problem solving involving area and algebra.
Paper 5 HIGHER (non calc)
Calculate with roots and integer powers, Standard form calculation, Find estimate of calculation using significant figures, Complete table, Calculate probability from table, Calculate density, Proportion problem, Evaluate results obtained, Number problem involving fractions, Calculate with reverse percentages, Complete time series graph, Interpret time series graph, Interpret time series graph, Evaluate assumption, Rearrange formula, Draw rotation, Translate by vector, Describe fully single transformation, Percentage change calculation, Find area of sector of a circle, Trigonometry in right-angled triangles, Trigonometry in right-angled triangles, Identify region on graph that satisfies inequalities, Find interquartile range from cumulative frequency graph, Interpret cumulative frequency graph, Work out next term in sequence, Find nth term in sequence, Ratio and geometry problem, Complete the square on a quadratic equation, Solve quadratic equation, Sketch graph and identify turning point, Find angle using circle theorems, Find angle using circle theorems, Algebraic proof, Algebraic proof
Paper 6 HIGHER (calc)
Complete scatter diagram, Calculate ratio and simplify, Misrepresenting data, Calculate estimate of mean speed, Evaluate results, Problem involving standard form, Truncation and inequality symbols, Use scale of a map, Use scale of a map, Express scale of map in the form 1 : n, Ratio problem, Probability calculation, Complete tree diagram, Calculate probability using tree diagram, Interpret velocity-time graph, Interpret velocity-time graph, Work out distance travelled from velocity-time graph, Identify graph showing direct proportion, Identify graph showing inverse proportion, Sketch graph showing direct proportionality, Problems involving angles in polygons, Algebraic area problem, Calculate exact perimeter of a shape, Recurring decimals, Use subscript notation for term-to-term rules, Bounds problem, Find intersections of line and a circle, Sketch trigonometric graph, Interpret trigonometric graph, Calculate area of triangle, Parallel vectors, Vector arithmetic, Simplify algebraic fractions
Paper 1 - Biology
B1 Cell Structures: What happens in cells. Microscopes, Parts of a cell,DNA structure, enzymes. Respiration.Aerobic and anaerobic respiration, monomers of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Photosynthesis: equation, experiments to test rates, variables that affect rate
B2 Scaling Up: Supplying the cell. diffusion, active transport, osmosis, mitosis, stem cells. The challenge of size exchange surfaces, circulatory system, heart and blood,plant transport including xylem, phloes, transpiration, translocation, potometers.
B3 Organism level systems: The nervous system. structure of nervous system, types of neurone, how responses happen, reflex arcs. The endocrine system. hormones in control systems, hormones in reproduction and contraception. Maintaining internal environments. Homeostasis, insulin and diabetes
Paper 2 - Chemistry and Physics
C1 Particles: The particle model. physical and chemical change, states of matter, state change. Atomic structure. atom scientists and their ideas, numbers of protons, neutrons, electrons and their sizes and charge.
C2 Elements, Compounds, Mixtures: Purity and separation. Formula masses, empirical formulae, mixtures and pure substances, filtration, crystallisation, distillation, chromatography (paper, TLC, gas). Bonding. metals/non metals, periodic table (arrangement)groups and periods affecting electron configuration, ionic, covalent, metallic, giant covalent bonding, polymers, dot cross diagrams. Properties of materials. Carbon allotropes, effect of bonds on melting point, the effect of bonds on physical properties,
P1 Matter: The particle model.as C1 particles, measuring density, mass and volume.Changes of state. Specific heat capacity, specific latent heat, energy change on heating/cooling/changing state, gas temperature and pressure relationships.
P2 Forces: Motion. Measuring speed, distance, time, convert units, vectors and scalars, distance/time and velocity/time graphs (H: using areas under graphs), acceleration, average speed for multi-part journeys. Newton’s Laws. describe interactions between objects, force diagrams, Newton’s 1st and 3rd laws, calculating work and power (H: vector diagrams of forces,terminal velocity, show balanced/unbalanced forces on diagrams and their effects, inertia, momentum, circular movement). Forces in action.elastic/plastic distortions, hooke’s law, linear and non linear extension, calculate spring constant, work done in stretching, define weight, mass and gravity, acceleration in free fall.
Revision links
Seneca learning (select GCSE Science OCR Gateway)
Weimar and Nazi Germany
- Life in Nazi Germany (youth, women, family life, standards of living)
- Hitler’s rise to power (How he became chancellor, his control over the Nazi party, Reichstag Fire, Night of the Long Knives, Enabling Act)
- Support for the Nazi party (Great Depression, the lean years, Munich Putsch, Hitler’s leadership)
Remember to focus on source analysis skills and the ability to read and compare interpretations.
Revision links
GCSEPod - search Weimar and Nazi Germany
Quizlet - search Weimar and Nazi Germany
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjF_xTkCi7w&list=PL6in0IaKnp63Y89v2rsPch4N--HYNaokT
Quizizz: https://quizizz.com/admin/search/weimar%20and%20nazi%
Kahoot: https://create.kahoot.it/search?filter=1&query=weimar%20
Natural Hazards - effects and responses.
Tectonic Hazards - causes of Earthquakes and volcanoes (tectonic plates) Tectonic Hazards in contrasting countries (Nepal and Chile), Living with TH - management strategies.
Weather Hazards - global atmospheric circulation, Tropical storms and why they develop, Effects of storms on people and the environment (Typhoon Haiyan) UK weather hazards, Somerset Level Flooding. Climate Change - evidence, causes (physical and natural) effects, managing CC
Ecosystems - global ecosystems. Tropical Rainforests - characteristics, deforestation, economic and environmental impacts, Managing the TRF.
Coasts - physical processes, coastal landforms, coastal landscapes (Dorset), coastal management strategies.
River Landscapes - shape of river valleys, processes (erosion, transportation and deposition)landforms, management strategies against flooding (hard and soft engineering)
Revision links
Seneca Learning Website - Geography AQA, then select topic.
GCSE Bitesize - Geography
New GCSE 9-1 Geography AQA Revision Guide (with Online Ed) - New Edition for 2020 exams & beyond (CGP GCSE Geography 9-1 Revision)
GCSE AQA Geography for the grade 9-1 exams - complete revision and practice guide. ISBN: 9781 78294 613 7
For the Reading, Writing and Listening papers for Foundation Students:
Topics to focus on: Items you can buy whilst shopping and shops
Seasons and the weather forecast
Holidays including types, activities and transport
Types of jobs, activities in the workplace
The time
Opinions, quantifiers, time phrases
Sporting activities
Recycling items
Differences between French and English Schools
Positives and negatives of town/village life
Forms of transport
Hotels and facilities
Family members
Present tense endings
About yourself
Recognising questions in French
For the Reading, Writing and Listening papers for Higher Students
Differences between French and English
Positives and negatives of town/village life
Time phrases and fractions
Holiday verbs
Character adjectives
Higher numbers
Family members
Parts of the body
Places in a town
Jobs and skills
Environment including recycling and pollution and key verbs
Holidays and festival activities
Family members
Under the influence – social issues
School life
World problems - migration
Jobs and activities
Extreme sports
High level adjectives
Technology present and past tense
Health lifestyle present and past tense
Recognising questions in French
Revision links
New GCSE revision guide and workbook French CGP GCSE Grades 9-1
DUOLINGO - building up additional vocabulary
BBC Bitesize Eduquas GCSE French - work through the reading, writing and listening activities.
For the Reading, Writing and Listening papers for Foundation Paper Students:
Topics to focus on:
World of work
Free time activities
Present tense//preterite//conditional// future simple
Personal information
Recognising questions in Spanish and being able to respond to them
For the Reading, Writing and Listening papers for Higher Paper Students:
Topics to focus on:
OpinionsTransportWorld of work
School and studies
Free time activities
Present tense//preterite//present perfect//conditional//future simple
Healthy lifestyle
Recognising questions in Spanish and being able to respond to them.
Revision links
New GCSE revision guide and workbook Spanish CGP GCSE Grades 9-1
DUOLINGO - building up additional vocabulary
BBC Bitesize Eduquas GCSE Spanish - work through the reading, writing and listening activities.
Other Resources
Top Revision Tips
Revision Newsletter
Improve Your Memory
Useful Websites