Support for Children

The Joff Special Event

Next Friday 14th March, The Joff is hosting a special event for students and young people at Community House, 6-7:30pm.

Sussex Green Living are visiting us to host a workshop with the young people. They will bring along their infrared cameras that young people can use, facilitate games, and make plant pots. 

The session will also be a chance for young people to register their interest in a future group, where we will be making wooden planters and a pollination station for the outside of The Joff.

Eating Disorder Support - Shout 8258

Shout 85258, is a free and confidential text messaging support line for people struggling to cope. The digital service, has issued new guidance on the issue of eating disorders. Eating disorders are recognised by the NHS as a ‘mental health condition where you use the control of food to cope with feelings and other situations’. Recognising an eating disorder is the first step towards healing and regaining balance. There are various types of eating disorders, including Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia, and Binge Eating Disorder.

However, some individuals might not fit into these categories and instead experience Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorders (OSFED) or ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder), which is more common among individuals with autism. Understanding these different experiences helps us better support those going through these challenges. If interested in finding out more, please click on the link below:

Youth Champions at The Joff

Young Carers

Young Carers Poster


East Sussex Young Carers Newsletter March 2025

Young Survivors Group

Emma Moreton from the Survivors Network is setting up some new groups in the East Sussex and Brighton and Hove area. Emma has booked Community House (Meridian Centre) from 4 – 5pm beginning Weds 17th April for 4 weeks to hold a Trauma Recovery and Wellbeing Group. If we could please give me the names and contact details of any interested self-identifying females that are wanting to take part, that would be great.

The purpose of the groups is to equip and support young people aged between 14 - 18 who are at risk of sexual violence and/or recognised as needing support around healthy relationships, self-care, understanding consent, boundaries and more. Emm can also offer specific groups focusing on feminism, and becoming peer advocates and allies. The groups will be responsive to needs so can be set up for self-identifying females or self-identifying males, LGBTQ+, as required.

Please contact Emma directly or email with name of the

The Joff Youth Centre

Youth Advisory group meets once a month at Community House to see what else young people want from the newly renovated Joff Centre (due for completion May/July 2025) and to encourage more young people to attend and engage in youth support. 

Youth Advisory Group

Funky Teens Youth Sessions Friday Night Project Boys Group
Landport Youth Club LGBTQ+ - Youth Sessions Young Womens Group
Please click on an image above for a larger version & to be able to scan the QR codes

Newhaven Youth Centre

Youth Club LAST Wednesday Youth Club Friday Youth Club
Please click on an image above for a larger version

Young People in East Sussex

Young People in East Sussex

The Mental Health Support Team have created the following social media platforms to share self-help resources and information on mental health and wellbeing:

Young People in East Sussex – on Twitter, @YoungPeople_ES
Young People in East Sussex – on Facebook, @YoungPeople.ESussex
Young People in East Sussex - on Instagram, @youngpeople_esussex

LGBTQ+ Ally Support Team

Local Safeguarding Children Partnership

The purpose of ESSCP is to support and enable all professionals, working with children and families in East Sussex, to work together in a system where:

Children are safeguarded and their welfare promoted.

Partner organisations and agencies collaborate, share and co-own a vision for safeguarding children.

For a better understanding of this support, you can visit the website: