Parent Wellbeing
Information for Parents & Carers
As part of our Whole School Approach, it is essential that we continue to engage with parents, carers & the local community. We want to empower our community to voice their ideas & opinions. Such engagement has been shown to improve not only a child's wellbeing but also their academic success. Our PCS Parent & Carer Forum, Parent Voice is the key to keeping such communication open & fluid. We meet once a term from 5:00pm - 6:00pm. On the following dates:
Wednesday 27th November 2024
Wednesday 25th February 2025
Wednesday 7th May 2025
Wednesday 25th June 2025
There is no obligation for a regular commitment, however we do ask that you contact prior to the evening if you would like to attend.
We would also like to direct you towards the staff in school who can provide information, guidance and support for you and your child depending on their year group.
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
General support with all things related to parenting - Parenting advice line Thursdays 11 - 1pm - EduSafe® is a bank of free online resources written by experts that gives key information about important topics, signs to look for and where to go for extra support. - How to stay calm in a global pandemic - Parent's guide to building girls body confidence - Support with Mental Health
Information on loss, trauma & bereavement
Counselling & external support for young people -
A team of health care professionals, who offer support to children, young people & families in East Sussex - For support re LGBTQ - Suicide Prevention Charity & Hopeline UK Helpline available to all those under 35 experiencing suicidal thoughts
School Nursing Team to refer or ask advice call the SHOP - School Health One Point:
Online Referral link:
SHOP Telephone: 0300 123 4062
SHOP Email: - i-Rock can offer advice and support on emotional and mental wellbeing, jobs, education and housing for 14 - 25yr olds - Crisis Messenger App Free Text Support for Young people & website for parents
Young Carers - information on young carers
Domestic & Sexual Abuse - end domestic abuse & sexual violence
Refuge provides specialist support to women, children and some men escaping domestic violence and other forms of violence.
Support for children -
Protecting my children -
National Domestic Abuse Helpline
Freephone 24-Hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247
(access live chat Monday - Friday, 3pm - 10pm)
Hideout (Women's Aid)
A web resource for children themselves. Women’s Aid have created this space to help children understand domestic abuse and how to take positive action.
Freedom Programme
Freedom Programme is a domestic violence programme which was created by Pat Craven and evolved from her work with perpetrators of domestic violence. The programme provides information, not therapy.
Bright Sky app
Bright Sky is a mobile app and website for anyone experiencing domestic abuse, or who is worried about someone else. The app can be downloaded for free via the app stores.
Launched in partnership with Vodafone, the app includes questionnaires to assess the safety of a relationship, and a section on dispelling myths around domestic and sexual abuse.
The website is focused on how to spot the signs of domestic abuse, advice on how to support someone you have concerns for, and ways to find help.
Download for android
Download for iOs
Supporting your child with domestic violence (Young Minds)
Protective Behaviours (Safety Net)
Protective Behaviours is a safety awareness and resilience building programme which helps children and adults to recognise any situation where they feel worried or unsafe, such as feeling stressed, bullied or threatened; and explores practical ways to keep safe.
Sussex Against Bullying is a voluntary organisation providing a range of different support services for children & young people who have been and who are being affected by bullying. Services include:
Email Mentoring Support
A Holiday Club
School-based support
Parent Support and information sessions
To find out more, please visit our website: or email,for a child/young person to access support a referral can be done via the website or email.
Sleep support - live chat every Tuesday & Thursday 6-8pm. Open for teenagers & families to talk to sleep practitioners about sleep issues